Part IV of Cooper’s book, The Inmates Are Running the Asylum, is “Interaction Design Is Good Business.” This part emphasizes on some more aspects of the importance of designing the user interface. There are three categories or chapters in Part IV. These chapters are titled: “Designing for Pleasure”, “Designing for Power”, and “Designing for People.” Overall, he is emphasizing “designing” taking these three important factors into consideration: “Pleasure”, “Power”, & “People.”
Chapter 9, “Designing for Pleasure” is about designing for different types of users. He suggests that the only way to please the users is to design with a persona in mind. A persona is a particular type of user. It is a general person that many people follow the behavior of and have the same traits. One example used is the idea of designing one automobile for a husky carpenter, a soccer mom, & a business geek all at the same time. This would not be desirable. A disturbing looking picture of a vehicle should come to mind that fits all three of these people. Instead, a solution offered by Cooper, design three types of vehicles: one for each of the three categories or persona. Designing for a single user is inadequate because the “user” does not behave like an “elastic.” There should be particular users taken into mind. Actual people are used to represent categories of users. Four personas used in the book for a flight computer console were Clevis McCloud, a not to computer savvy fellow; and the three computer savvy users that know computers better but do not like the same materials that would be displayed by the console. The system should be designed to satisfy all these personas: easy to use for the beginners, yet have all the features the others would want to use.
Chapter 10, “Designing for Power” is about defining goals as a method to solve problems and its’ about designing polite software. A goal is a purpose, Cooper states. It is not the same as a task. The goal is the end condition while the task is the process of achieving it. An example used is getting across the country is the goal and the task of traveling is means to achieve the goal (ends). The means and ends theory. Programmers are more like task-oriented designers instead of goal-oriented designers. Cooper states that interaction designers must be goal-oriented instead of task-oriented designers. One example used in the book was about a Television News. The goal was not to have a static news show, but a dynamic, ever-changing to stay good, news show. A method used to remedy a clip that may not be used in a show is to have a strategy to allocate the time for the missing clip to the rest of the broadcasting. This will not disrupt the timing of the show. There are two types of goals: “personal” and “practical” goals. All goals should be able to be lumped into one of these two categories. Practical goals should be able to be met without violating the personal goals. Allowing Ted, a TV consumer, to operate a TV is used as an example. An obvious goal he is trying to achieve is to watch TV. Other goals he is trying to accomplish by buying a TV are: not to feel stupid, not be humiliated, not make mistakes, not make mistakes, feel accomplished (sooner the better), and have some fun. These goals Ted is trying achieve will be met with the task or process of “getting” a TV. The way the TV was designed was not satisfying Ted’s goals. The TV was too complicated for all of this. It had so many features that were hard to learn. He would enjoy these features after many hours of practice or learning. But, he does not want to spend all this time right away. Instead, he would rather just simply take the TV out of the box and watch it. The TV should accommodate both the beginning users and the advanced users. All stages of a beginning user turning into an advanced user should be accommodated also. Another type of goal is a “corporate goal.” This would include increasing profit & market share, eliminating competition, expanding, and going public, etc… “False goals” are another type of goal which is described more as tasks than goals. “False goals” are means to ends instead of ends themselves. “Computers Are Humans, Too” is a statement portraying the behavior of people when around computers. They act more like they are in the presence of another person instead of a dead object like a rock. Designing for politeness is about trying to get computers to behave politely by making them more like a person; but not to mimic the bad traits of humans like being error-prone. Some traits of politeness are for the software to be interested, deferential, forthcoming, etc… to the users.
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