Saturday, July 26, 2008

Random Thoughts - Refactor

Some Ideas I have for re-factoring my website Random Thoughts

Refactor site:
- Make befriend functionality
- Clean-up GUI: make page less narrow
- Prevent bots from filling in fields/scanning entire site/rapidly creating posts: after 5 posts from the same IP or Session, then show a captcha. Repeat this process.
- Allow some HTML elements: BR, A, I, B, U, IMG – use “rel=nofollow”
- Get open-source form for filling out posts/comments with GUI
- Ask users to log-in, sign up for an account, or at least subscribe to comments while posting/commenting
- Make Posts/Comments editable/deletable
- AJAX Posts/Comments
- User profiles
- User’s name and link to profile should be next to each random thought
- Fix /index.php and /gadgets/page.php to better fit user experience
- Direct user’s towards commenting or adding a new random thought equally rather than having “Add Random Thought” form on home page
- Filter Random Thoughts by users/anonymous/date/etc…
- Add date field to Random Thoughts
o Fill up NULL values with dates from beginning of year to post with first recorded date
- Make each words from random thoughts a link to a search for that word. Do not change the appearance of the link versus it being plain text.
o Only make it searchable if it appears more than twice: it will be a tag once the term is posted more then twice.
- Rate this Random Thought: (*****) AJAX style!
- Embed: embed a Youtube video, Map, other open-source content into a Random Thought. Have link to directions to get a Map, Youtube video, etc…
- Fix XSS scripting:
- JavaScript hover box for links to random thoughts from browse page
- Use prototype for AJAX calls. Use Scriptaculous Library to fade in Random Thoughts and fade away old ones and fade in new ones when New Thought is clicked. This could make AJAX calls to the server.
- Add categories
- Add tags
- Add rating with AJAX libraries…use stars or images.
- Blacklist bots.
- Add a “Recently Commented” and “Recently Added” link
- Google Analytics
o first implement AJAX to refresh thoughts and place Post/Comment to new pages
- Allow comments on the search page for a “tag”

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