Saturday, July 26, 2008

Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts now has several new features added.

Random Thoughts - Search

The website is more interactive for the user because users can now target words they are interested in. I did this by making all the words from each most turn into a hyperlink that searches for other posts with that word in it.

Random Thoughts - Add Applications

The pesky links that went to Facebook, MySpace, etc... were removed from the main navigation. This really hurt the user experience. They are all now on a separate page called "Add Application".

The users now go through a different flow while going to the site. A user can still post without having to register, login, or even submit their e-mail, but it is easier for them to submit their e-mail while posting. This will allow users to be notified of follow up comments on that post. It also invites the user to register.

This website needs some remodeling on the user interface. It is too narrow and simple.

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